A Frog, Sushi and a can of soup

A frog, sushi and a can of soup

We found ourselves in a daring mood tonight. Remembering we had a blue sushi gift card we decided to take the whole family for a sushi dinner. The kids have been raised to try all different foods and sushi is a treat for them! One kiddo even loves wasabi on each bite! After completing our dinner we decided to tag team a grocery store run at our local target store. Everyone wanted to shop with me until Michael reminded them that he is way more fun than me. I agree, he really is way more fun. We have our moments, as every couple does; but we have an absolute blast most of the time. No doubt I do several things that irritate him and I can assure you he does several things that irritate me. I knew it was bothering him that I was allowing my son to have one of my four pieces of sushi.  (He doesn’t want our son growing up being able to eat off Mommy’s plate.)
 It bothered me that he had a few items in our cart at target that we didn’t necessarily need in that moment. (I like to stick to the grocery list and not deter from it.)
Our arguments are usually centered around stressful moments that can be brought on by raising four kids. 

Like, when I tell him on the way to get sushi that the kids put a frog in the car and we never did find that frog...so if he starts to smell a horrible scent or if something happens to jump on his lap...it’s probably the lost frog. Or when our son is drinking a red drink in the car and drinks too much and ends up spitting some of it out...while Michael is sitting up front and ends up with red sprayed all over his nice eating out attire...just before we walk into the restaurant. Or when one of our daughters declares that she is not in the mood for any seafood of any kind and I look down at my phone for one second to search the happy hour menu and kids menu for any type of chicken and almost veer off the road while doing so.  (You better believe he ripped that phone right out of my hands!) Or when I find out at the check out lane that Michael has promised the kids an item that I told them previously they couldn’t have. 
Or my husband accidentally drops a can of soup on our daughters foot while unloading our groceries, causing her big toe to split and bleed. As she’s sobbing, I look at him and he looks at me and he says “what? It was an accident.” 

I’m reminded of the quote by comedian Jim Gaffigan, “if your wondering what it’s like to have four kids, just imagine you’re drowning...and someone hands you a baby.” (Here’s the link if you have 7 minutes. It’s so funny!)

All of these little things, just little bumps in the road on the journey called life, some of them more comical than others. In our marriage, I think we have learned one thing well and that is to not allow the little details to detract from our love for each other. I’m reminded of a verse, 1 Peter 4:8, Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 

I’m thinking of the fact that the overall arching theme of our night was loving each other and enjoying each other. There’s several little things that happen on a daily basis that test our patience for one another. This verse shines light on the fact that loving each other deeply covers any little spats that we may experience here and there. Loving each other well is the goal and our daily aim and it covers or makes up for our faults and the little “lacks” that we have within our marriage. So while life can be full and challenging, remember that loving your spouse deeply covers all your mistakes/areas where you’ve fallen short. 


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