Lake Day Lession

Today was “lake day.” Every few weeks we clear our schedule and make time for our family.  The kids look most forward to grabbing a donut for the ride, talking our ears off in the car while country music is playing in the background.  They also know lake days mean everyone goes “unplugged,” giving space and time to have conversations.  Catching a toad, discovering a clam, and exploring a new sand pit filled the hours of this beautifully sunny day.  

As I was floating on a raft nearby, I overheard the conversations amongst the kids.  Everyone was competing for Finley’s attention. This poor child literally had three girls pulling on him to go three different directions.  I often joke he is either the most loved person alive or the most smothered…or both.  After constant reminders that Fin is a person and not a possession, they quickly changed their strategies.  

Joslyn tried to entice him by asking him to come check out what she found.  Dami told him she would teach him to swim.  Devoni attempted to baby him.  

He seemed to enjoy the attention all the while keeping his options open.  Then, I overheard Dev say, “If you love me you will come with me” followed by “If you love me you will listen to me”  

It reminded me of the passage in John 21 where Jesus asks Peter if he loves him.  Peter responds that he does.  Jesus then tells him “Feed my sheep.” 

In John 14:15 Jesus says, “If you love me keep my commands.” In the same breath, Jesus then goes on to say, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever -the holy spirit.” You know in grade school when you were ready to ask the teacher a question and the teacher answers your question before you ever raise your hand? I gather that’s what was occurring in this instance.  Jesus is sharing with his disciples that whoever loves him will be people that keep his commands.  But that is a rigorous and difficult task, as well as quite ominous.  Before his disciples could ask how, Jesus already tells them that he will ensure that the holy spirit is left in his absence to be their advocates in this endeavor.  

In John 14:23 Jesus says, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.” Again we see Jesus give a direct mention of the holy spirit who he attributes the power in which we can pull from in order to carry out the very things Jesus has mentioned.  Have you ever read these scriptures and wondered how in the world you were going to do these things? I’ll be honest, I have.  I have wondered how I would feed Jesus’ sheep, and keep all his commands, and obey all his teachings.  I love that he gives us the “what” along with the “how” together.  Normally, on our own strength, there would be no way we could be completely successful in doing what Jesus asks us to do here in John 14.  But he tells us that he will leave an advocate, the holy spirit.  

One of my all-time favorite verses is Acts 1:8. “But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you.”  The word for power in this passage is actually “dunamis” and the literal translation is dynamite.  Think of that! Jesus not only tells us what loving him looks like, but he says that in order to do it we are going to need some help, ok, a lot of help.  This help will come in the form of dynamite power. I’d say he was leaving us his A-game! Dumamis also means “strength, power or ability.” 

Feeding his sheep (caring for his people), keeping his commands, and obeying his teachings are BIG ASKS.  These are BIG TASKS.  They require our complete dedication and full surrender.  But He gives us the power to complete these tasks.  We’ve no need for excuses.  We’ve no need for backing down or being shy in our conquest.  Romans 8:37 In all these things we are more than conquerers through him who loved us.  

It starts with his love for us.  Then our response is our love for him.  This is not legalism.  It’s not forced.  It begins with love and is love all the way through.  We get to experience him and we get to experience the fullness of what he has for us and the ability to feel fulfilled doing what he calls us to do. Because we tap into that dynamite power, we are powerful to carry out what he has for us.  We don’t need to be strong on our own strength, we’ve got dynamite at our fingertips.  Jesus says that once we tap into that power source we shall be able to do the very same things Jesus himself did.  What? Crazy. Not only that, he says that we will DO GREATER WORKS THAN WHAT HE HAS DONE.  

In a previous blog, I wrote about an All Access Pass.  We have the ability to access the Lord anytime.  Similarly, I believe the Lord’s dynamite power is accessible to those that ask to receive it.  I’ve heard it said that the holy spirit is a gentleman.  He will not barge in or force his presence, but rather wants to be asked and invited.  Passages in Acts also talk about being continually filled with the holy spirit. As a dear friend and mentor puts it, “there’s always more!”  Every Jesus follower has the same opportunity.  I have known great power and boldness through the holy spirit.  If you know me well, you would know that it’s gotta be the holy spirit.  

My daughter, Dev has got it down.  Without even realizing it, she has taken on a very Jesus-ism.  “If you love me, you will…” May His love be what captivates us and may our love for Him be our very drive to receive more of the spirit he promises us.  

If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’ll be honest that once I noticed these passages in scripture years ago, I prayed on my own for the holy spirit to fill me. This is not a pub for our ministry but seriously if you feel like you lack dynamite power and want someone to walk through the process of asking the Lord to fulfill that request with you, we are here.  We make time and space on Thursday nights at 7pm our Lifehouse, 222 S Mayne Street in Valley.  


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