Scribbles Too!

I ran errands with the kids yesterday. They walked into the house before me as I was still grabbing things from the car. They ran back out of the house extremely excited. “Close your eyes Mom,” said one kid while the other guided me into the house. Another child grabbed the bags out of my hands and said “I’ll take those for you.” 
I walked in and discovered a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a card that said “just because I love you -Michael.” 
Just as I was admiring the arrangement, the youngest child brought me “cards” which were strips of paper torn from a paper bag with large scribbles. 
My heart was truly touched by their expressions of love. 
What I discovered was 
  1. Everybody wants to be a part of something. The kiddos were simply joining in on something that was already being done. Michael had already set out the flowers and card. Once the kids saw it they wanted to have a part in it. 
  2. When something beautiful is happening, it gives opportunity for others. The kids joined in their own way. One helped with the element of surprise, one helped by directing and guiding me to ensure I was safe during the element of surprise, another helped carry a bag so I could use my hands to touch my surroundings while having my eyes closed. Another wanted to make sure his cards were included with dad’s card. 
  3. Don’t underestimate the value of modeling. What we do always carries more weight than what we say when it comes to our kiddos. 
This is applicable in life in general. When we are already doing something amazing, our kids want to join us in having an impact too! 
If you buy someone’s groceries at the store, don’t be surprised if the kids ask to buy someone’s coffee at the coffee shop. 
If you hold the door for someone at the store, don’t be surprised if they hold the door for someone too. 
If you send a friend a card in the mail just to encourage them, don’t be surprised if your kids ask to make cards for their friends too. 
This can be a powerful thing. If you’re doing something beautiful as one person, and everyone joins in, think of the difference you can make as a family unit! That’s impact times 6! Or impact times however many are in your family. Every contribution is valuable. My heart was touched even with the beautiful scribbles on a torn paper bag. This type of impact is exponential. It continues and continues. 


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