

If you’re around my son long enough, you will quickly pick up on a common phrase of his.  “BOOM GOT IT!” If he asks me, “Which car is faster Mom? A Lamborghini or a corvette?” I will respond with the obvious choice, “a Lamborghini hun!” And he will respond with his signature statement, “Boom! Got it!”  Typically, this statement is super enthusiastic.  On occasion it has been said in a monotone voice.  For instance, he may ask if he can watch a TV show and I may inform him that he must do a few chores first.  He may respond with a less enthusiastic, “boom got it.” But nonetheless, he’s sure to respond with his same phrase. With this phrase he is communicating that he understands and has downloaded the information I gave him and he is carrying out.  It’s as if he is saying, “Message received.  I will proceed accordingly.” Over the past weekend, we have the wonderful opportunity of being prayed over by someone we know and trust. This dear friend, mentor and sort of spiritual fath

Hey guys, so we will have trouble...

Today I decided to get my daily bread from a kids Bible.  The passage spoke about Jesus knowing what was about to happen.  This powerful thing that was required in order for breakthrough to happen for all of us.  Jesus was aware of what He needed to do.  He was also aware of the enemy’s tactics.  Yet in the middle of it all, instead of being distracted or overcome with grief at the imminent betrayal, he remained focused.  He knew that in times of trouble we must remained focused, and our mission must not change.   Truth: Whenever God is up to something amazing, there the devil is also.  The enemy’s plans to thwart and distract are stronger than ever when there’s something powerful taking place.   Through the past week I’ve spent more time at hospitals and doctor’s offices than I have spent outside of hospitals and doctor’s offices.  Ironically, this came at the same as our church celebration service and kick off of the new church plant.  My children are going to be fine.  Th

Scribbles Too!

I ran errands with the kids yesterday. They walked into the house before me as I was still grabbing things from the car. They ran back out of the house extremely excited. “Close your eyes Mom,” said one kid while the other guided me into the house. Another child grabbed the bags out of my hands and said “I’ll take those for you.”  I walked in and discovered a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a card that said “just because I love you -Michael.”  Just as I was admiring the arrangement, the youngest child brought me “cards” which were strips of paper torn from a paper bag with large scribbles.  My heart was truly touched by their expressions of love.  What I discovered was  Everybody wants to be a part of something. The kiddos were simply joining in on something that was already being done. Michael had already set out the flowers and card. Once the kids saw it they wanted to have a part in it.  When something beautiful is happening, it gives opportunity for others. The kids j

“It’s been a long week”

Today I think I bit off more than I could chew. Michael and I have been discussing simplifying our lives and decluttering our home. I decided to start with the girls’ rooms upstairs...12 hours later and we’ve finally made some progress!  Maybe it was that the kids were stir crazy and maybe it was that we put them on tasks all day but boy they were very difficult today. I lost my cool a few times. So did Michael. Today we did not finish well.  We ended up asking for forgiveness and trying to push through. We have had a wonderful summer together. I think we are finally starting to wish school would start. 24/7 with the same playmates has proved to be challenging. The kids need their own anything. Their own space, their own learning environment, their own friendships etc.  I took a few minutes to myself and laid in my bed before starting the bedtime routine with the kids. “Just speak to me.” That was all I could muster up today. As I sat down with Michael for a few minutes of quiet

Lake Day Lession

Today was “lake day.” Every few weeks we clear our schedule and make time for our family.  The kids look most forward to grabbing a donut for the ride, talking our ears off in the car while country music is playing in the background.  They also know lake days mean everyone goes “unplugged,” giving space and time to have conversations.  Catching a toad, discovering a clam, and exploring a new sand pit filled the hours of this beautifully sunny day.   As I was floating on a raft nearby, I overheard the conversations amongst the kids.  Everyone was competing for Finley’s attention. This poor child literally had three girls pulling on him to go three different directions.  I often joke he is either the most loved person alive or the most smothered…or both.  After constant reminders that Fin is a person and not a possession, they quickly changed their strategies.   Joslyn tried to entice him by asking him to come check out what she found.  Dami told him she would teach him to swim.

All Access Pass

We have a home that was built in the early 1900s.  Our master bedroom and bathroom was an addition to the home, and used to be the sunroom.  Our bedroom door is a full glass door.  The bathroom door is a barndoor that Michael crafted for the space, complete with a roller track.  Our bedroom is just a few steps away from our living room, and one step away from our sitting room.  Needless to say, there is not much privacy for us.  Our big dog has figured out how to open both the bedroom door and the bathroom door. It’s pretty clear that he has full access to us at anytime.   Similarly, our children feel the freedom to walk into our bedroom and bathroom at any moment.  (Part of me finds this incredibly annoying and part of me finds this endearing.)  Oftentimes I will be showering and a child will come in and say “Hey Mom! Whatchya doin?” My usual response is, “I’m just showering buddy.  I’ll be out in about 5 minutes.”  My children simply know that they want or need me and th

Idleness vs. Active Rest

  We have often met with couples in disagreement or strife.    Sometimes the issue has been due to one struggling in sin.    What I have found more often than not is that idleness can at times provide the perfect environment for dabbling in sin.    The Bible warns us about being idle.    Scripture states that idle hands are the devil’s workshop, and the common phrase, “idleness is the devil’s playground” echos that Proverb.    Idleness stems from boredom and the need to be entertained. i·dle·ness ˈīdlnəs/ noun 1.     laziness; indolence. "he was punished for his idleness at school" o     a state of inaction; inactivity. "we suffered a period of enforced idleness" Proverbs 12:24  Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor. Proverbs 21:25   The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.  1 Thessalonians 5:14   And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help t